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网址:www.lizhumoju.cn  2022-04-11  作者:admin    阅读:

护坡模具应包装紧密、整齐。模具应严厉入库检验,制止质次或已老化蜕变的份子化合物塑料制品入库。要包装紧密、整齐,在出入库时进行检查,入库时要检验,制止质量过次或老化的模具进入库房。坚持库房的卫生,在墙面和门窗上刷上白色,避免阳光直钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具  射,不能同仓贮存腐蚀性较强的产物。还要注重防潮、防晒、防风、防雨等,还要坚持湿度和温度,避免护坡模具发作化学反应,招致物理状况改动。底层库房要隔离地潮,露天货垛要做好防晒、防雨、防风、避免露垛。增强模具的库房温湿度办理,份子化合物塑料制品通常需求相宜温度在27℃以下,相对湿度70%~80。
The slope protection mould shall be packed tightly and neatly. The molds shall be subject to strict warehousing inspection to prevent inferior or aging plastic products from warehousing. The packaging shall be tight and tidy, and the inspection shall be carried out when in and out of the warehouse. The inspection shall be carried out when in the warehouse to prevent the molds with poor quality or aging from entering the warehouse. Adhere to the hygiene of the warehouse, paint white on the walls, doors and windows, avoid direct sunlight, steel gate steel dam, Baoding light steel villa, Baoding graphic design training, Baoding interior design training, Baoding office furniture shooting, and do not store highly corrosive products in the same warehouse. We should also pay attention to moisture-proof, sunscreen, windproof and rainproof, and adhere to humidity and temperature to avoid chemical reaction of slope protection mold and change of physical condition. The warehouse on the ground floor shall be isolated from the earth tide, and the open-air cargo stack shall be protected from sun, rain, wind and exposure. Enhance the warehouse temperature and humidity management of molds. Molecular compound plastic products usually need appropriate temperature below 27 ℃ and relative humidity of 70% ~ 80.

